

Representation, Levels of Government, Democracy

Year Level

Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, SACE

Type of Resource

Stand Alone Activity, Game, PDF


Individual, Group, Whole Class

Sort the Levels of Government

Categorise roles and responsibilities into Australia’s three levels of government.



This is a tactile activity to support teaching the levels of government in class. Each card shows a task or responsibility (e.g. street lighting, banking, education), and students need to consider whether the card fits in local, state or federal levels. Answers are on the reverse of the card.


10-15 minutes


  1. Print the instruction page (or refer to it online) for ways to play one-on-one, in groups, or as a whole class.
  2. To create a deck of cards, print the remaining sheets A4, and fold in half. You’ll end up with a double-sided A5 sized paper with the responsibility on the front, and the answer page on the back. Answers are printed in small font, upside down.

Follow Up Ideas

  • Try playing the levels of government online game.
  • Go for a walk around the school and identity levels of government: e.g. the road – local, state or federal? The postbox – local, state or federal?  The powerlines – local, state or federal?
