It is great practice to follow up the program experience and reinforce the learning.
Here are ideas for in-class activities following your program:
- Write a class letter to your local MP about state issues that are important to the students.
- Recreate a Parliamentary debate in your classroom on a subject of your choice – are there any classroom decisions which the class can make together? Appoint a Speaker or President, and write speeches. See the learning resource.
- Create electorate profiles for different class groups in your school (e.g. what are the needs of the “reception” electorate, compared to the “year 5” electorate?)
- Create a Parliamentary committee to investigate issues in the school and report back to school leadership.
- Create a classroom mace – what symbols could go on the mace to represent your class? See the learning resource.
- Look up the recent speeches made by your local MP in Hansard – identify the key issues raised.