We provide events, education services, and resources for all South Australians, to support informed and active engagement with the Parliament. We are leaders in civics and citizenship education in SA.

The Community Education Office develops and implements programs to promote awareness of the South Australian Parliament to the community and supports the Parliament’s place in the F-10 Australian Curriculum, SACE, and adult education.

The Community Education Office consists of the Community Education & Engagement Manager, the Community Education Support Officer, a Communications Adviser, and an Administrative Services Officer.  The office is coordinated by the Serjeant-at-Arms and Usher of the Black Rod.

The Community Education Office focuses on the following areas:

Our work at a glance

In the 2023/2024 financial year our office supported:

14,380 school students | 1,453 teachers | 1,017 adult learners | 554 public servants | 5,620 general tour attendees